Flame Dragon Skateboard Trick Complete

    CALI Strong

    Flame Dragon Skateboard Trick Complete

      CALI Strong

      Flame Dragon Skateboard Trick Complete

      Sale price $174.99Regular price
      Regular price $174.99

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      Skateboard History

      In 1969. Stevenson patented the double kicktail. Larry Stevenson made the first innovation to skateboard design when he invented the kicktail on a skate deck. The kicktail is an upturned back end that provided a higher level of control over the board itself which allows for a wide range of tricks and a way to brake. Stevenson jdied at age 81 on March 25 2012.

      Consumer Advisory:

      Do not stand, sit, climb, ollie or lean on zoo fences. If you fall, animals could eat you and that might make them sick

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